In-Person Worship April 18th

By Messiah Lutheran Church (other events)

Sunday, April 18 2021 9:30 AM 10:30 AM EDT

While it may be tempting to get up and move around the church to greet other worshippers, please refrain from doing so. For everyone’s health and safety, we ask that once you are seated by an usher we ask that you remain in your seat throughout the entire service. At the conclusion of the service, ushers will come to you and dismiss each family group while keeping an appropriate distance between parties. Please exit directly by the door to which you are directed.

Masks must be worn throughout the service, with the exception of when you are receiving the Sacrament of Holy Communion.

Health studies have shown that respiratory droplets can travel farther as the force of the voice increases. Spoken responses need not be proclaimed too loudly and forcefully. Also, we ask you to refrain from singing. While singing is a huge part of who we are as Lutherans, at this time studies show that it greatly increases the chances of spreading viruses.

At the time of the Sharing of the Peace, we kindly ask that should you desire to do so, that you only share the peace with those in your immediate family group. Alternate forms of acknowledging the others around you (i.e. a bow or a wave) is permissible.

Please note that the use of the restrooms is reserved for emergencies only. If needed, only one person is to be in the restroom at a time. We will have a restroom monitor available to disinfect the restroom in between uses.

At this time we are unfortunately unable to allow for social gatherings. There will be no coffee time or conversation after the service. We also ask that if you wish to chat with others outside the church building, that you adhere to the six-foot social distancing recommendations and that you wear a mask.

There should be no physical contact with persons outside your immediate family group, (i.e. no handshakes, no hugs, no embracing).

All of the above is intended to ensure that you have the safest possible gathering for Worship. Our ability to gather is dependent upon your cooperation.





COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, guests with underlying medical conditions, compromised immune systems, and senior citizens are especially vulnerable. There is an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 in any public place where people gather, including any activity sponsored by or in the facilities of Messiah Lutheran Church. By visiting Messiah Lutheran Church, I willingly accept all risks of COVID-19 exposure and will hold Messiah Lutheran Church, paid staff, and volunteer leadership free from responsibility relating to my potential exposure to COVID-19.

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2691 NE Pine Island Road Cape Coral FL 33909